Gerard Enterprises Home Page.
Gerard Enterprises is a manufactures of mascots, masks, magic supplies, special effects, haunted house props, costumes, movie props, and supplier of stage lighting and sound equipment. Our Family

Our Family

The Family 'n' Stuff

This is a picture of Tony's two cats.
Can you help Enoki and Jeep
Find Tony?

On November 18th 2008 Tony and Ashley made Laura and I grandparents.
On the left is Tony and Jaidyn and on the right is Laura (Grandma) and Jaidyn.

Before Jaidyn was half an hour old she had posed for 100 plus pictures.
I'm not sure but I think she was getting tired of all the attention and pictures.
She didn't say so in words but managed to express herself using sign language.

If I had to put a caption on this picture it would be

We were in Utah for a week and visited Antalope Island which is the largest island in the Great Salt Lake. While there Nick and I did some mountain climbing. The blue dot at the top of the picture is there to indicate where Nick is. He can be seen just below the blue dot. You have to look close because his head is almost invisable above the rocks.

Laura's surprise birthday party in the little theatre of our shop at which 41 people showed up. It lasted till 2:00 am.

Tony Gerard II

Magician, Stuntman, and Juggler

Above are two pictures of our magician, stuntman, and juggler son Tony. The picture on the left is of Tony doing a stunt (BODY BURN) in Seatle, Washington. The picture on the right is what he looked like before the stunt (HA!HA!). Tony does corporate and private performances all over the U.S.A. He has performed in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Washington, Florida, Nevada and never fails to entertain his audience.
You can book anybody to perform for your guests, however, if you want to entertain them then Tony Gerard is a sure bet!

Nick and I took some time to explore the swamp at Jean Lafitte park while in New Orleans. If it wasn't for the snakes, spiders, alligators, and thousands of mosquitos it would be a nice place to live.

If you look close at the picture on the left (real close) you might see the Alligator that is in the picture on the right. Don't wander too far off of the trails because the gators get big and nasty.

This swamp had more BIG spiders in it then the movie Arachnophobia.

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